Форекс Обучение

Как читать свечной график Свечной анализ для начинающих

Если продавцы будут сильнее, вы увидите, как свеча опускается вниз и становится медвежьей. Трейдер, который знает, как анализировать и интерпретировать свечные паттерны или модели, уже немного лучше понимает действия игроков финансового рынка. Чем четче вырисовывается свечная модель на свечи на бирже графике, тем сильнее и точнее сигнал. Как правило, на графике могут появляться ловушки, которые могут определить ценовые паттерны в сочетании со свечными.

Три свечных паттерна консолидации

Как правило, бычья свеча формируется в классическом белом или зеленом цветах и говорит о росте актива, демонстрируя уровень открытия и закрытия. В некоторых странах (например, Китай) традиционно используют зелёный цвет свечи для роста цен и красный — для снижения. Криптотрейдеры должны анализировать свечные паттерны на нескольких временных периодах для лучшего понимания настроений рынка.

Длинноногий доджи

Трейдеры всегда должны осуществлять управление рисками, в том числе устанавливать ордера стоп-лосс, для защиты своего капитала. Также важно избегать овертрейдинга и входить в сделки только с благоприятным соотношением риск/вознаграждение. Это медвежья свеча с длинной верхней тенью, а также открытием и закрытием рядом с ее минимумом. Продолжение подтверждается зеленой свечой с большим телом, указывающей на то, что быки снова контролируют направление тренда. Паттерн темной завесы состоит из красной свечи, которая открывается выше закрытия предыдущей зеленой, а затем закрывается ниже её средней точки. Модель трех черных ворон включает три последовательные красные свечи, которые открываются внутри тела предыдущей свечи и закрываются на уровне ниже ее минимальной точки.

  1. В случае отрицательной динамики, цвет окрашивается в красный или черный.
  2. Также по выстроенной свечи можно определить цену открытия и закрытия.
  3. Если на графике ясно виден “волчок”, значит наметился обширный торговый диапазон, но разница между стоимостью открытия и нижним уровнем закрытия будет небольшой.
  4. На часовом графике ценных бумаг Coca-Cola Co. ниже видно образование паттерна «бычье харами» после длинной красной свечи.

Движение должно начинаться выше нижней границы предыдущей свечи и импульсно пробить цену закрытия первой белой свечи. «‎Медвежий крест харами»‎ относится к числу важных паттернов разворота и говорит о сильной неопределенности на рынке. Как правило, модель формируется после длинной белой или зеленой свечи. На четырехчасовом графике GBPCAD образовалась ситуация, где первым предупреждением торможения нисходящего тренда было образование «бычьего харами». Подтвердило это замедление динамики формирование серии бычьих паттернов «молот». Цена открытия — это первоначальная цена, с которой началось движение в новом временном промежутке.

Технический анализ свечного графика

Большое тело сигнализирует о сильном бычьем рынке, а маленькое указывает на слабый тренд. Если стратегия трейдера ориентируется на короткую сделку, на бычьей свече разумно не торговать. Бычий паттерн возникает, когда растут котировки, а медвежий — если падают. Тело показывает интервальную разницу закрытия/открытия, а тени — на экстремальные точки.

Эта свеча говорит нам, что в какой-то момент медведи пытались толкать цену вниз. Однако, прежде чем свеча закрылась, быки взяли верх и протолкнули цену обратно наверх. Медвежья свеча говорит нам, что в настоящее время на рынке больше давления продавцов. Если давление продавцов уменьшится, а давление покупателей увеличится, мы увидим, что медвежий свечи станут меньше. После рождения свечи начинается битва между быками и медведями. Если покупатели будут сильнее, вы увидите, что свеча движется вверх и формируется бычья свеча.

Паттерн «вечерняя звезда»: что это такое и как им торговать

У японской свечи есть тело и две линии (обычно их называют фитилями или тенями). Тело свечи указывает на диапазон между ценами открытия и закрытия за этот период, а фитили — на самые высокие и низкие цены, достигнутые за это время. Если открытие меньше закрытия, то фигура называется бычьей.

Лучше всего будет дождаться дополнительного подтверждающего фактора. Помимо отображения максимумов и минимумов свечи, тени свечей предоставляют нам множество полезной информации. Спустя 5 часов проторговки актива в боковом диапазоне торговли, быки импульсно пробили верхнюю границу «падающего клина» вверх. В этом разделе я проиллюстрирую торговлю по свечным паттернам на Форекс, открывая минимальные сделки на 0.01 лот. Анализировать свечной график не так сложно, как кажется на первый взгляд. По классике их должно быть три, но может быть две или четыре.

Форекс Обучение

Японские свечи: учимся читать и понимать движение рынка

свечи в трейдинге

То есть свечи используют как инструмент технического анализа. Биржевые графики помогают инвестору оценить динамику актива. Часто трейдеры пользуются линейными, но более информативны японские свечи. Разбираемся, как правильно читать с ними графики и точнее прогнозировать прибыль. Когда у нас на графике образовывается маленький внутренний бар с противоположным телом, это может привести нас к одному простому вопросу.

Как читать свечной график?

свечи в трейдинге

То есть существует длинный фитиль, который вдвое превышает тело. Графический анализ финансовых рынков” дает понимание сигналов биржи. Чтение рынка по свечам, на самом деле, достаточно просто, но необходимо приложить много усилий для достижения действительно хорошего уровня. Это титанический труд, приготовьтесь к тому, что вам буду сниться сны, в которых сражаются быки и медведи, а в центре поля рисуется японская свеча. Спустя некоторое время, вы сможете по памяти рисовать свечи в тетради, что очень странно, ведь вам будет очень трудно понять, откуда вы всё это знаете.

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Кроме того, по каждой отдельно взятой свече можно определить максимум и минимум, которых котировки достигали за конкретный промежуток времени. Также по выстроенной свечи можно определить цену открытия и закрытия. Совокупность этих данных дает информацию для принятия решения при торговле свечными паттернами. Основная идея свечного анализа — это понимание движение цены на графике. Слишком много трейдеров ищут паттерны и модели, вроде доджи и пин баров.

Анализировать свечной график не так сложно, как кажется на первый взгляд. Фигура, как и в случае «утренней звезды», должна формироваться с образованием гэпов между первой и второй, а также между второй и третьей свечами. Но как правило, на практике встречается один гэп между первой и второй свечой. «Медвежий харами» — это маленькая свеча, которая образовалась в пределах предыдущей свечи. Медвежья свеча — это полнотелая красная или черная свеча, направленная вниз, у которой могут быть короткие фитиля.

Спустя 5 часов проторговки актива в боковом диапазоне торговли, быки импульсно пробили верхнюю границу «падающего клина» вверх. В этом разделе я проиллюстрирую торговлю по свечным паттернам на Форекс, открывая минимальные сделки на 0.01 лот. Ниже мы проведем технический анализ дневного графика XAGUSD.

  1. Большое тело сигнализирует о сильном бычьем рынке, а маленькое указывает на слабый тренд.
  2. Завеса из темных облаков — это разворотный паттерн, который возникает после восходящего тренда, когда цена открытия медвежьей свечи выше, чем максимум предыдущей бычьей.
  3. Эта тенденция показывает, что движение быков вверх ослабло — возможен разворот тренда.
  4. На следующий день цена пробилась выше максимума поглощающей бычьей свечи, что подтвердило, что в течение следующих нескольких дней на рынке будет происходить бычий рост.

Четыре паттерна свечей продолжения

Если фитили свечей короткие, это говорит о том, что нисходящий тренд был чрезвычайно решительным. Прежде чем вы начнете торговать, важно ознакомиться с основами свечных паттернов и с тем, как они могут влиять на ваши решения. Длинные тени внутри одной свечи указывают, что покупатели и продавцы конкурируют между собой, есть неопределенность, тренд не сформировался. свечи в трейдинге Когда размер тел меньше, это указывает на сокращение спроса на актив. При этом, если вместо растущих зеленых свечей возникают красные, это может свидетельствовать о развороте тренда и перехода рынка в «медвежью» фазу.

Паттерн «вечерняя звезда»: что это такое и как им торговать

Для изучения графиков финансовых рынков в трейдинге лучше применять теханализ с разбором японских баров. Этот вид описания движения цен содержит больше информации. Помогает трейдерам ориентироваться в сделках, понимать настроение рынка и разворотные фигуры. Но для правильного анализа необходимо применять другие индикаторы. Появляется после роста котировок и отличается минимальной тенью внизу, закрытием цены в нижней четверти тела и длинным фитилем сверху. Доминанта сменяется продавцами, которые начинают давить на цену.

Forex Trading

Royal Mail strikes end as postal workers vote to accept pay deal

what is royal mail industrial action

This was supported by 10% growth in Royal Mail despite weaker than expected parcel revenues over the period. EP Group specialises in buying up undervalued assets and injecting capital to make long-term profits. The deal has been leveraged through the borrowings of £2.3 billion from major investors who will demand their pound of flesh from the workforce. Ward’s claim that the CWU’s “engagement plan” is about mobilising the members’ “collective strength” to “protect jobs and terms and conditions” at Royal Mail is farcical.

Grim determination & solid unity among CWU Royal Mail reps

Significant disruption is still likely on the dates below, but as not all staff are involved Royal Mail says it will only affect « parts of our operation ». Post Offices will stay open and offer their usual services but Royal Mail collections will be limited. The Postal Executive is recommending a YES vote top 18 best day trading stocks in 2021 and, last week the union broadcast a live question and answer session dealing with the full range of issues. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from industry leaders.

  1. This de facto pay cut has transformed Royal Mail into a minimum-wage employer with the hourly rate for new entrants standing at just 54 pence above the current National Living Wage.
  2. Royal Mail workers are also walking out on several other crucial days over the busy shopping and Christmas period.
  3. Pip Haywood, managing director of online card company Thortful, has calculated that each day of action is costing the firm up to £50,000 a day.

The union criticised Royal Mail’s « aggressive » stance over the talks and called for an improved pay deal, a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies and other improvements to the offer. So the company wants to switch its focus to parcels and in particular to next-day parcel delivery. They apologised « to our customers for the inconvenience the CWU’s continued strike action will cause ». « Further strikes and resistance to transformation by CWU will only make our financial position worse, and threatens the long-term job security of our postmen and women. » It says strikes have added £100m to its losses, and has announced plans to cut up to 10,000 jobs. It also objects to proposed changes to working conditions, such as ending a number of allowances and the introduction of compulsory Sunday working.

LIVE Live, $300bn cash deal for poorer countries rescues COP29 talks from collapse

Further action appeared to be on the cards when results of the CWU’s latest ballot on 21 February showed almost 96 per cent of workers were prepared to strike again. Royal Mail workers are also walking out on several other crucial days over the busy shopping and Christmas period. All the dates of Royal Mail strikes for November and December, and how your post will be affected. Its other efforts to reduce costs have already resulted in thousands of job losses through voluntary redundancy. « Fewer customers means a smaller business and means we need fewer people », the source said. Special Delivery mail will still be prioritised « as resources allow » but the usual next-day guarantees are being suspended and customers can’t claim compensation for delays.

When are postal workers striking again?

what is royal mail industrial action

The dispute has been going on since the summer and like all the industrial action across rail, the NHS, teachers, border staff and driving examiners, pay is a key issue. As well as holding strikes this week, 115,000 Royal Mail workers from the Communication Workers Union (CWU) will also take industrial action on 23 December and Christmas Eve. General Secretary Mr Ward said the changes could lead to the « destruction of the special relationship that postal workers and the public have in every community in the UK ».

« Should the CWU announce further strike action, we have plans to minimise disruption and get our services back to normal as soon as possible to keep people, businesses and the country connected. » Royal Mail says tezos news analysis and price prediction eight days of strike action has cost it £100m while striking posties have each lost, on average, £1,000. Royal Mail also wants to end the extra payments that postal workers get for doing things like driving bigger trucks. Postal workers I’ve spoken to say they’d lose £50 a week if those allowances were to end. Thousands of postal workers have begun a 48-hour strike in the run-up to Black Friday after talks between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) ended without agreement.

Royal Mail workers walked out again on Wednesday, marking the third of six Trading insurance strike days across the festive season. This would effectively see employees in secure, well-paid jobs turned into a « casualised, financially-precarious workforce overnight », said the union. In every country the union bureaucracy is working with management and governments to block or isolate opposition to the prioritisation of profits and increased competitiveness. Through the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and- File Committees the PWRFC and its affiliates are waging a fight to unify these struggles against the race to the bottom.

It said plans by the postal service include cutting workers’ sick pay, delaying arrival of post by three hours and inferior terms for new employees. This is the sixth strike for postal workers, and comes after a summer of unrest which saw rail workers and criminal barristers walk out amid disputes with their employers. Royal Mail workers are holding the first of 19 strikes in a long-running dispute over pay and conditions. The Chancellor revealed a £25.7 billion change to employers’ national insurance contributions (NICs) in the Budget, which would increase the rate of the tax and reduce the threshold at which firms must pay. The firm said a £134 million write-down linked to the national insurance increase has stopped it returning to profit for the past six months. The CWU rejected the offer describing the company’s plans as the « Uberisation » of the postal service.

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Communication Workers Union embraces Kretinskys takeover of Royal Mail World Socialist Web Site

what is royal mail industrial action

The company has pointed to research by the industry regulator suggesting only minimum disruption for households and businesses should it no longer have bonds will deliver in 2021 2020 to deliver letters on a Saturday. Its plea to save money through a reduction in the universal service obligation for letter deliveries, over five days instead of six, has been met with government opposition. Its general secretary, Dave Ward, cited recent talks with the company’s chairman which, he said, offered hope of a « new process » after relations with the management team, including CEO Simon Thompson, collapsed last year.

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« It is proof that postal workers will not accept their livelihoods being destroyed so that a few at the top can generate serious profits at their expense. Royal Mail’s chief executive Simon Thompson told the BBC that the change needed was to pivot the business from one that was built for letters to one that focused on parcel deliveries which now represented £6 for every £10 the firm makes. It comes as Royal Mail said the Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents the strikers, had rejected a pay rise offer « worth up to 5.5% » after three months of talks. On strike days it will deliver as many Special Delivery and Tracked 24 parcels as possible, it said.

The company says it’s offering 9% more over 18 months with conditions attached, though the union disputes this figure. The company says it is losing about £1m a day, and cannot afford to give its workers a higher pay rise. Royal Mail has offered a pay deal which it says is worth up to 9% over 18 months. In those that do open, you may not be able to post letters and parcels as you usually would, but other services such as bill payments and banking should run as normal. Along with the rail industrial action on Tuesday and Wednesday, there will also be train strikes on Friday and Saturday.

Royal Mail postal workers vote to strike

Members of the union have voted by 67% to accept a deal with Royal Mail that was reached in April. The union has demanded Royal Mail group enters into negotiations to secure a « straight, no-strings pay increase for workers ». Workers on the railways and at airports are also in pay disputes with employers, with prices for goods in the UK rising at the fastest rate in 40 years. Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) backed the action on Tuesday after ballot papers were sent out three weeks ago.

The union representing the workers is demanding a pay rise that more closely reflects the current rate of inflation. Twenty-one dates are affected by Royal Mail strikes in September, October, November and December. The firm says it will try to keep services going to some extent but disruption and delays are likely to be significant.

$75 per month

Deliveries will be disrupted by 10 more strike days at the busiest time of the year for the postal service. But a spokesman for the CWU said that Royal Mail has offered workers a 3% pay rise this year, 3% next year as well as an additional 2% if employees agree to « the absolute destruction » of terms and conditions. « Instead of working with us to agree on changes required to fund that offer and get pay into our posties’ pockets, the CWU has announced plans to ballot in the New Year for further strike action. » Industrial action will threaten the job security of postal workers, said Royal Mail, calling on the leaders of CWU to cancel the walk-out and accept invitations for talks. No letters will be delivered during strike days, said Royal Mail, but as many special delivery and Tracked24 parcels as possible would be delivered. The company, which employs around 130,000 workers in the UK, said the jump in costs means that reforms to its universal service obligations – which currently requires it to make first-class deliveries six days a week – are “more urgent”.

On days of strike action, Mr Thompson admitted to a hearing of the Business Committee that Royal Mail prioritised delivering parcels over letters. Mr Thompson had been recalled by MP members of the committee who challenged his credibility. Under the agreement, staff will get a 10% rise over three years and a one-off lump sum of £500, though the union had initially sought an annual increase in line with the rate of inflation – currently running at 8.7%.

Royal Mail strikes: When are staff walking out and what’s affected?

what is royal mail industrial action

« While bosses rake in £758m in profit and shareholders take £400m, workers are expected to take a serious real-terms pay cut, » he added. The CWU called off a 24-hour walkout planned for February, and convert australian dollars had not announced any dates for action following the most recent ballot. However, the union and Royal Mail released a joint statement on Thursday announcing further talks. « After industrial action takes place, we’ll be increasing our network capacity and using additional resources to assist with getting services back to normal. « We remain committed to getting around the table with the CWU, resolving this dispute and agreeing a pay and change deal for our people.

  1. Postal worker walkouts coincide with the busiest time of year for Royal Mail when people and businesses are sending Christmas cards and presents.
  2. « It is proof that workers loyal to an historic institution like Royal Mail will not accept it being turned into an Uber-style, bog-standard gig economy employer.
  3. Post Offices will stay open and offer their usual services but Royal Mail collections will be limited.
  4. « It is proof that postal workers will not accept their livelihoods being destroyed so that a few at the top can generate serious profits at their expense.

« Even the threat of more strike action by the CWU means more customers will switch their parcel business to our competitors. It is battling several other major cost headwinds including the disruption to overseas parcel deliveries caused by a ransomware attack a month ago that saw hackers demand £67m to unlock the company’s IT systems. The card company Moonpig has advised customers to order early where possible but said its gifts and flowers use different delivery services so would be unaffected by the strikes.

Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? The company struck the controversial deal in May but the move is now being reviewed by the Government under the National Security and Investment Act. “Anything that would impact our people would be last resort but we are working this investment classes and online training through,” he added. When asked whether this could lead to job losses, he said it was “too early to say” but would not rule it out. Ward and Walsh described the £3.5 billion takeover by Kretinsky’s EP Group in glowing terms as “a major opportunity to influence the future”.

This will include « accelerating » the delivery of NHS and healthcare letters together with « critical Government mailings ». Customers should check they have received a notification confirming their item has been delivered to the service point before going there. Customers will not be able to claim refunds for delayed items or consequential loss due to delay for items sent on those dates. The source at Royal Mail signalled a deep frustration within the firm on the lack of progress in the negotiations to date, accusing the union of misleading its members. « It is proof that workers loyal to an historic institution like Royal Mail will not accept it being turned into an Uber-style, bog-standard gig economy employer. Ms Carrol said she « couldn’t believe » how much the cost of necessities such as butter was increasing and said this justified the need for higher wages.

Forex Trading

Royal Mail strikes end as postal workers vote to accept pay deal

what is royal mail industrial action

This was supported by 10% growth in Royal Mail despite weaker than expected parcel revenues over the period. EP Group specialises in buying up undervalued assets and injecting capital to make long-term profits. The deal has been leveraged through the borrowings of £2.3 billion from major investors who will demand their pound of flesh from the workforce. Ward’s claim that the CWU’s “engagement plan” is about mobilising the members’ “collective strength” to “protect jobs and terms and conditions” at Royal Mail is farcical.

Grim determination & solid unity among CWU Royal Mail reps

Significant disruption is still likely on the dates below, but as not all staff are involved Royal Mail says it will only affect « parts of our operation ». Post Offices will stay open and offer their usual services but Royal Mail collections will be limited. The Postal Executive is recommending a YES vote top 18 best day trading stocks in 2021 and, last week the union broadcast a live question and answer session dealing with the full range of issues. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from industry leaders.

  1. This de facto pay cut has transformed Royal Mail into a minimum-wage employer with the hourly rate for new entrants standing at just 54 pence above the current National Living Wage.
  2. Royal Mail workers are also walking out on several other crucial days over the busy shopping and Christmas period.
  3. Pip Haywood, managing director of online card company Thortful, has calculated that each day of action is costing the firm up to £50,000 a day.

The union criticised Royal Mail’s « aggressive » stance over the talks and called for an improved pay deal, a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies and other improvements to the offer. So the company wants to switch its focus to parcels and in particular to next-day parcel delivery. They apologised « to our customers for the inconvenience the CWU’s continued strike action will cause ». « Further strikes and resistance to transformation by CWU will only make our financial position worse, and threatens the long-term job security of our postmen and women. » It says strikes have added £100m to its losses, and has announced plans to cut up to 10,000 jobs. It also objects to proposed changes to working conditions, such as ending a number of allowances and the introduction of compulsory Sunday working.

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Further action appeared to be on the cards when results of the CWU’s latest ballot on 21 February showed almost 96 per cent of workers were prepared to strike again. Royal Mail workers are also walking out on several other crucial days over the busy shopping and Christmas period. All the dates of Royal Mail strikes for November and December, and how your post will be affected. Its other efforts to reduce costs have already resulted in thousands of job losses through voluntary redundancy. « Fewer customers means a smaller business and means we need fewer people », the source said. Special Delivery mail will still be prioritised « as resources allow » but the usual next-day guarantees are being suspended and customers can’t claim compensation for delays.

When are postal workers striking again?

what is royal mail industrial action

The dispute has been going on since the summer and like all the industrial action across rail, the NHS, teachers, border staff and driving examiners, pay is a key issue. As well as holding strikes this week, 115,000 Royal Mail workers from the Communication Workers Union (CWU) will also take industrial action on 23 December and Christmas Eve. General Secretary Mr Ward said the changes could lead to the « destruction of the special relationship that postal workers and the public have in every community in the UK ».

« Should the CWU announce further strike action, we have plans to minimise disruption and get our services back to normal as soon as possible to keep people, businesses and the country connected. » Royal Mail says tezos news analysis and price prediction eight days of strike action has cost it £100m while striking posties have each lost, on average, £1,000. Royal Mail also wants to end the extra payments that postal workers get for doing things like driving bigger trucks. Postal workers I’ve spoken to say they’d lose £50 a week if those allowances were to end. Thousands of postal workers have begun a 48-hour strike in the run-up to Black Friday after talks between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) ended without agreement.

Royal Mail workers walked out again on Wednesday, marking the third of six Trading insurance strike days across the festive season. This would effectively see employees in secure, well-paid jobs turned into a « casualised, financially-precarious workforce overnight », said the union. In every country the union bureaucracy is working with management and governments to block or isolate opposition to the prioritisation of profits and increased competitiveness. Through the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and- File Committees the PWRFC and its affiliates are waging a fight to unify these struggles against the race to the bottom.

It said plans by the postal service include cutting workers’ sick pay, delaying arrival of post by three hours and inferior terms for new employees. This is the sixth strike for postal workers, and comes after a summer of unrest which saw rail workers and criminal barristers walk out amid disputes with their employers. Royal Mail workers are holding the first of 19 strikes in a long-running dispute over pay and conditions. The Chancellor revealed a £25.7 billion change to employers’ national insurance contributions (NICs) in the Budget, which would increase the rate of the tax and reduce the threshold at which firms must pay. The firm said a £134 million write-down linked to the national insurance increase has stopped it returning to profit for the past six months. The CWU rejected the offer describing the company’s plans as the « Uberisation » of the postal service.

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Communication Workers Union embraces Kretinskys takeover of Royal Mail World Socialist Web Site

what is royal mail industrial action

The company has pointed to research by the industry regulator suggesting only minimum disruption for households and businesses should it no longer have bonds will deliver in 2021 2020 to deliver letters on a Saturday. Its plea to save money through a reduction in the universal service obligation for letter deliveries, over five days instead of six, has been met with government opposition. Its general secretary, Dave Ward, cited recent talks with the company’s chairman which, he said, offered hope of a « new process » after relations with the management team, including CEO Simon Thompson, collapsed last year.

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« It is proof that postal workers will not accept their livelihoods being destroyed so that a few at the top can generate serious profits at their expense. Royal Mail’s chief executive Simon Thompson told the BBC that the change needed was to pivot the business from one that was built for letters to one that focused on parcel deliveries which now represented £6 for every £10 the firm makes. It comes as Royal Mail said the Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents the strikers, had rejected a pay rise offer « worth up to 5.5% » after three months of talks. On strike days it will deliver as many Special Delivery and Tracked 24 parcels as possible, it said.

The company says it’s offering 9% more over 18 months with conditions attached, though the union disputes this figure. The company says it is losing about £1m a day, and cannot afford to give its workers a higher pay rise. Royal Mail has offered a pay deal which it says is worth up to 9% over 18 months. In those that do open, you may not be able to post letters and parcels as you usually would, but other services such as bill payments and banking should run as normal. Along with the rail industrial action on Tuesday and Wednesday, there will also be train strikes on Friday and Saturday.

Royal Mail postal workers vote to strike

Members of the union have voted by 67% to accept a deal with Royal Mail that was reached in April. The union has demanded Royal Mail group enters into negotiations to secure a « straight, no-strings pay increase for workers ». Workers on the railways and at airports are also in pay disputes with employers, with prices for goods in the UK rising at the fastest rate in 40 years. Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) backed the action on Tuesday after ballot papers were sent out three weeks ago.

The union representing the workers is demanding a pay rise that more closely reflects the current rate of inflation. Twenty-one dates are affected by Royal Mail strikes in September, October, November and December. The firm says it will try to keep services going to some extent but disruption and delays are likely to be significant.

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Deliveries will be disrupted by 10 more strike days at the busiest time of the year for the postal service. But a spokesman for the CWU said that Royal Mail has offered workers a 3% pay rise this year, 3% next year as well as an additional 2% if employees agree to « the absolute destruction » of terms and conditions. « Instead of working with us to agree on changes required to fund that offer and get pay into our posties’ pockets, the CWU has announced plans to ballot in the New Year for further strike action. » Industrial action will threaten the job security of postal workers, said Royal Mail, calling on the leaders of CWU to cancel the walk-out and accept invitations for talks. No letters will be delivered during strike days, said Royal Mail, but as many special delivery and Tracked24 parcels as possible would be delivered. The company, which employs around 130,000 workers in the UK, said the jump in costs means that reforms to its universal service obligations – which currently requires it to make first-class deliveries six days a week – are “more urgent”.

On days of strike action, Mr Thompson admitted to a hearing of the Business Committee that Royal Mail prioritised delivering parcels over letters. Mr Thompson had been recalled by MP members of the committee who challenged his credibility. Under the agreement, staff will get a 10% rise over three years and a one-off lump sum of £500, though the union had initially sought an annual increase in line with the rate of inflation – currently running at 8.7%.

Royal Mail strikes: When are staff walking out and what’s affected?

what is royal mail industrial action

« While bosses rake in £758m in profit and shareholders take £400m, workers are expected to take a serious real-terms pay cut, » he added. The CWU called off a 24-hour walkout planned for February, and convert australian dollars had not announced any dates for action following the most recent ballot. However, the union and Royal Mail released a joint statement on Thursday announcing further talks. « After industrial action takes place, we’ll be increasing our network capacity and using additional resources to assist with getting services back to normal. « We remain committed to getting around the table with the CWU, resolving this dispute and agreeing a pay and change deal for our people.

  1. Postal worker walkouts coincide with the busiest time of year for Royal Mail when people and businesses are sending Christmas cards and presents.
  2. « It is proof that workers loyal to an historic institution like Royal Mail will not accept it being turned into an Uber-style, bog-standard gig economy employer.
  3. Post Offices will stay open and offer their usual services but Royal Mail collections will be limited.
  4. « It is proof that postal workers will not accept their livelihoods being destroyed so that a few at the top can generate serious profits at their expense.

« Even the threat of more strike action by the CWU means more customers will switch their parcel business to our competitors. It is battling several other major cost headwinds including the disruption to overseas parcel deliveries caused by a ransomware attack a month ago that saw hackers demand £67m to unlock the company’s IT systems. The card company Moonpig has advised customers to order early where possible but said its gifts and flowers use different delivery services so would be unaffected by the strikes.

Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? The company struck the controversial deal in May but the move is now being reviewed by the Government under the National Security and Investment Act. “Anything that would impact our people would be last resort but we are working this investment classes and online training through,” he added. When asked whether this could lead to job losses, he said it was “too early to say” but would not rule it out. Ward and Walsh described the £3.5 billion takeover by Kretinsky’s EP Group in glowing terms as “a major opportunity to influence the future”.

This will include « accelerating » the delivery of NHS and healthcare letters together with « critical Government mailings ». Customers should check they have received a notification confirming their item has been delivered to the service point before going there. Customers will not be able to claim refunds for delayed items or consequential loss due to delay for items sent on those dates. The source at Royal Mail signalled a deep frustration within the firm on the lack of progress in the negotiations to date, accusing the union of misleading its members. « It is proof that workers loyal to an historic institution like Royal Mail will not accept it being turned into an Uber-style, bog-standard gig economy employer. Ms Carrol said she « couldn’t believe » how much the cost of necessities such as butter was increasing and said this justified the need for higher wages.